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Dare2think » All With In Earth... And A Bit Outside » LGBTQIAP » Intersex!
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The difficult decision for parents of intersex children

Pidgeon Pagonis

Pidgeon Pagonis, M.A. was born and raised in Chicago and studied Women's and Gender Studies at DePaul University where they focused their studies on intersex issues and activism. They are an intersex activist fighting for their community’s human right to bodily autonomy and justice. Pidgeon is the former Communications & Operations Manager and Youth Leadership Coordinator for Inter/Act, an intersex youth project, at Advocates for Informed Choice (AIC)--an organization that fights for the legal rights of intersex children and their families. Since 2006, they have made an effort to expand the visibility of issues related to the intersex community by facilitating workshops and presentations around the world. They have been given a “30 under 30” award by The Windy City Times–a renowned voice in journalism that highlights important topics and emerging leaders around LGBTQI issues.

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