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Dare2think » All With In Earth... And A Bit Outside » LGBTQIAP » Transgender!
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Sam & Evan - From Girls to Men - [Documentary]

This is the modern love story of Sam and Evan. They were both born as girls - now they are a gay male couple. The documentary follows the trials and tribulations they both face first hand - from inner turmoil to out-and-out prejudice on their doorstep - we learn to see the world through their eyes.

17-year-old Sam and 20-year-old Evan are a gay male couple - but underneath their clothes they have female bodies. What makes this story so exceptional is that they are both in the process of changing their bodies from female to male, at the same time. This film follows their gender journey and the prejudice they encounter along the way - including the humiliation and fear they suffer of having eggs thrown at them as they walk to the bus stop. The documentary tells the story of how Sam and Evan met, fell in love and embarked on a remarkable transgender journey together to transform their bodies from Girls to Men.

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Happy Thoughts from Dare2thinK
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