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Norman Doors

All day we go through doors! For the most parts, the doors works as a door should - either open og close. Fact is, that a doors is designed for us to go through!

Sometimes however, a doors thinks it wants to have a bit of fun with us humans. It needs to be pulled, not pushed, even though the design of the doors say otherwise to us.
It makes us confused! It makes no sense to us, how a doors does opposite of what seems obvious.

Why does doors have a fun day with us??

The Design of Everyday Things is a best-selling book by cognitive scientist and usability engineer Donald Norman about how design serves as the communication between object and user, and how to optimize that conduit of communication in order to make the experience of using the object pleasurable. One of the main premises of the book is that although people are often keen to blame themselves when objects appear to malfunction, it is not the fault of the user but rather the lack of intuitive guidance that should be present in the design.

The book was published in 1988 with the title The Psychology of Everyday Things. Norman said his academic peers liked that title, but believed the new title better conveyed the content of the book and better attracted interested readers. It is often referred to by the initialisms POET and DOET.

Norman uses case studies to describe the psychology behind what he deems good and bad design, and proposes design principles. The book spans several disciplines including behavioral psychology, ergonomics, and design practice.

A major update of the book, The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition, was published in 2013.

Source: Wikipedia
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Redigeret af Dare2think on 27-03-2016 20:26
Happy Thoughts from Dare2thinK
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